
No ads

Reality, not fiction

VEJA is based on a very simple observation: 70% of the cost of a normal big sneaker brand is related to advertising.

2022 Spring - Summer lookbook

© Vincent Desailly

Eliminating ads, marketing costs, doing away with brand ambassadors, billboards, means investing in reality rather than fiction. It means working back up the production chain and changing it. It means spending more time on the ground, rather than investing in smoke and mirrors.

Sneakers that are
5 times more real

Porto Alegre, 2021

© Studio VEJA

Producing a pair of VEJA costs 5 times more due to our commitment to using raw materials that respect fair-trade principles, the environment, and workers' rights.

By eliminating advertising, VEJA reallocates the resources that would typically go into marketing toward what truly matters – ensuring the well-being of the people producing our sneakers in the fields and factories.

The heart of the VEJA model: reinject the amounts normally allocated to advertising into the phase that comes before the assembly line.

Raw material producers are thus more justly compensated, social and environmental impacts are constantly optimized, and sneakers are manufactured in conditions where everyone gets the respect they deserve.

Harvesting cotton flowers


© Mélanie Bahuon

Rubber outsole pressing

Porto Alegre, 2021

© Studio VEJA

Amazonian latex harvest from a rubber tree

Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Amazon, 2021

© Studio VEJA

At VEJA, instead of relying on marketing hype to have an impact, we'd rather rely on collective intelligence.